Body Contouring
Body Contouring is a Non-Surgical procedure with zero down time! Your can achieve improved cellulite, stimulated collagen and elastin, tightening and toning of loose skin, it can melt stubborn fat, reduce body circumference and give a smoother overall appearance.
Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency, Vacuum and I-Lipo
Legs - Front: $95
Legs - Back: $95
Glutes: $95
Arms: $75
Bra Bulge: $75
Stomach and Love Handles: $95
Radio Frequency
Face and Neck: $75
Laser Lipolysis Only - $40
Results are best met with 8-10 treatments depending on how much you have to lose in a specific area and then follow up treatments to maintain results. It is also suited to be used with a healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise to maintain results.
NOTE: You ARE NOT a candidate if you are pregnant or lactating, have cancer or have had cancer, have a pacemaker, and if you are diabetic you would need a doctors release form.
When is Cosmetic Surgery a Better Option?
* You desire a more dramatic body sculpting
* You have significant loose or sagging skin
* You prefer to undergo a procedure only once to achieve your final results.
* Your cosmetic surgeon agrees that surgery will better achieve your desired changes
* You would like to enhance, rather than reduce, the size of an area
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